Minggu, 16 Juni 2013

Explanation Text

Why Do We Have To Write?

Everyone write for variety of reasons, for some it is a career, for others it is hobby. As a student in college, I use writing to do all of  kind task in all of subject  lectures, because actually all of subject require me to be able to write. All subjects require me to writing, be it papers, summaries, class review, report  learning, or even a thesis and dissertations.
That’s all matter because writing. Writing make me train my brain everyday, to be sharper and sharper. Like the muscles in the body that are trained will continue growing stronger. The mind is trained constantly be increasingly intelligent, because in writing I have process of thinking, sharpening a sense of sensitive and thorough.
When writing, I develop my critical thinking. It happens because writing make me think deeply and continuously about a topic I’m going to write. Thing does not happen if not by writing. Especially in writing there is freewriting, listing, mapping, researching etc., that can make me have any thoughts.
Further reason why do I have to write is because writing make me remember, keep anything what I got in the last, and writing is the best way to do. Writing also is an activity of expressing an ideas, with it we can share and publish our idea to another person. Writing makes me have imagination, because  I can be another person when I write, I ever felt this way when writing narrative text recently, I can be a wolf in my writing. Writing can contribute towards myself and others.
Writing make me discover, It doesn’t matter what I write, fiction, papers, essays, or anything, because writing could affect my knowledge, and learn something new. Writing fills me new word, new perspective, and also teach me how to  solve something.
 I write because I read, writing keep my reading. So, I have to write. Writing is one of best way to develop the mental skills necessary for learning and thinking. The skills that are develop and enchanced through writing is essential for success in a student’s future career. Student should learn to embrace all writing task in as much as writing, no matter what the subject or topic is, will definitely help in skills development and contribute to one’s future success.
Keep writing, because then you are more intelligent, discover, wise and you will be usefull for many people because your writing.

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